How Facebook Has Exposed the Fragile State of Australian DemocracyLast Wednesday, in response to the Australian Parliament passing the News Media Bargaining Code, Facebook decided it wanted out. Rather…Feb 23, 20212673Feb 23, 20212673
Australia’s Proposed “Fox News Tax”“Google’s threat to withdraw its search engine from Australia is chilling to anyone who cares about democracy.”Jan 25, 20211.1K11Jan 25, 20211.1K11
Intel’s Disruption is Now Complete“Look, Clayton, I’m a busy man and I don’t have time to read drivel from academics but someone you told me you had this theory… and I’m…Nov 11, 20203.1K21Nov 11, 20203.1K21
Published inMarkerA Final Lesson From Clayton Christensen‘Decide what you stand for. And then stand for it all the time.’Jan 31, 20201.5K6Jan 31, 20201.5K6
Why Did SAP Just Spend $8bn on Qualtrics?The Qualtrics acquisition by SAP represents the third largest sale of any SaaS company in history. One of the largest players in…Nov 16, 20182582Nov 16, 20182582
Winning the War versus Winning the PeaceThe New Yorker’s profile on Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook was fascinating reading — if you missed the last few years on Facebook, it’s an…Sep 18, 2018516Sep 18, 2018516
What the F*** Was Facebook Thinking?2013 saw one of the world’s most publicized data breaches. A Target employee inadvertently clicked on a phishing email; soon after, the…Mar 21, 201810.7K34Mar 21, 201810.7K34
Technology has Become WaterThere are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says…Jun 17, 201780015Jun 17, 201780015
Prioritizing Economics is Crippling the U.S. Economy“It is often assumed that an economy of private enterprise has an automatic bias toward innovation, but this is not so. It has a bias only…Apr 13, 20171.4K60Apr 13, 20171.4K60
Founders and MotivationThere’s something about Facebook that I’ve always found troubling. For regular listeners of Exponent, the podcast that Ben Thompson and I…Feb 27, 201781Feb 27, 201781
Published inStartup GrindSo You’re Thinking About a 10 Day Silent Meditation RetreatAt the start of last month, I quit my job.Sep 9, 201612Sep 9, 201612
Brexit, Trump and the Ultimatum GameOne of the most interesting experiments in economics is known as the ultimatum game. It deftly gets at a fundamental truth of human nature…Jun 30, 201641Jun 30, 201641
Who’s going to be having sleepless nights after Microsoft’s LinkedIn deal?Salesforce.Jun 14, 20167Jun 14, 20167
The Blessing of FailureLast month marked the first year anniversary of the Apple Watch. While there’s little doubt it has sold impressively for a first generation…May 11, 201625May 11, 201625
Manage What MattersGreat experiences lead to great finances. So why do we measure the latter and ignore the former?Jul 21, 20152Jul 21, 20152
Published inI. M. H. O.Heavy Rain and Black CarsUber Isn’t Being Cruel — It’s Being KindJul 11, 20132Jul 11, 20132